For a Video Tutorial on this Topic, see Processing Cancellations Training Video.
Using the (CGW) Cancels menu, Third-Party Adinistrators (TPAs) can review a dealer's request to cancel a contract and then cancel the contract in CGW.
Using this tutorial, you will learn how to process cancellations.
Process Cancellations
A dealer has requested to cancel a contract. A TPA will use this feature to review the request and then cancel the contract in CGW.
1. Select Cancels > Process Cancellations from the left navigation menu.
Process Cancellations
2. In the Process Cancellations dialog, you will start processing contract cancellations.
Item |
Description |
Contract Number |
The customer’s contract in question. You can perform a partial search here. For example, if the contract number is 4337329, you can enter 433 and CGW will pull up all contracts beginning with those numbers. |
Submit |
Click this button to execute the contract search. |
Process Cancellations Dialog
3. A second Process Cancellations dialog opens where you must confirm your decision to cancel the contract by clicking Yes:
Process Cancellations Dialog Two
4. A third Process Cancellations dialog appears where you will enter cancellation information:
Item |
Description |
Date |
Enter the date of the cancellation. |
Cancellation Mileage |
Enter the mileage of the vehicle at the time of cancellation. |
Cancellation Reason
Select the reason for cancellation: · Customer Request · Repossession · Sale Unwound · Totaled · Trade In |
Any claims in last 60 days? |
Select Yes or No to indicate if the customer has had any claims against this contract in the last 60 days. |
Submit |
Click this button to execute the cancellation. |
Back |
Click this button to return to the previous dialog. |
Process Cancellations Dialog Three
5. After you click Submit, a fourth Process Cancellations dialog appears, where you have several options:
Item |
Description |
Save Quote
Click this button to save the quote and print out the paperwork. You will see the following dialog: |
Cancel Contract |
Click this button to cancel the contract in CGW. |
Recalculate Refund |
Click this button to return to the Cancellation Information panel. You can change the cancellation date, mileage, and other information. The refund due the customer will be recalculated based on these changes. |
Override Cancel Fee |
Click this button to override the cancel fee that the customer must pay to cancel the contract. The following dialog appears where you can override this fee: |
Override Refund |
Click this button to override the customer’s refund amount after canceling the contract. A similar dialog appears where you can override the refund amount. |
Exit |
Click this button to return to the first Process Cancellations dialog. |

Process Cancellations Dialog Four