
This tutorial is written for CareGARDWarranty.com (CGW)  administrators. Using the CGW Admin menu, administrators can add agents to CGW, find existing agents, and make changes to agent profiles.

Using this tutorial, you will learn how to manage agents. 

Managing Agents

As the CGW administrator, you can add an agent to the system. You can also locate an existing agent and make changes to the agent’s profile.

1. Select Admin > Agent Management from the left navigation menu.


Agent Management

2. In the Agent Management dialog, you can add a new agent or locate an existing agent and make changes to it.

Agent Management Dialog

Adding a New Agent

In the Add Agent panel of the User Management dialog, you can add a new agent to CGW by clicking the Add Agent button. This opens the Add/Edit Agent panel:

Add/Edit Agent

UI Item 
Select the agency to which this agent will be assigned in CGW.
First Name
Enter the agent’s first name.
Last Name
Enter the agent’s last name.
Enter the agent’s street address. This is the physical address where the agent works.
Enter the agent’s city.
Select the agent’s state.
Enter the agent’s zip code.
Enter the agent’s primary phone number.
Enter the agent’s fax number.
Enter the agent’s email address.
Agent Dealership


Click the Add/Remove button to add or remove details relating to the agent’s dealership. CGW displays the Choose Dealers Associated With This Agent dialog where you will make selections:


  • Dealer Groups: Select the dealer group to associate with this agent.
  • Available Agent Dealerships: This is the list of available agent dealerships to which you can associate this agent. Click Add to confirm your decision to add the agent to this dealership.
  • Selected Agent Dealerships: These are the selected dealerships for this agent. Click Remove to remove the agent from a dealership.
  • OK: Click this button to save your changes.
  • Cancel: Click this button to cancel your changes.
Click this button to cancel this process and exit this dialog.
Click this button to execute and save your changes.


Add Agent Panel

Finding and Editing an Agent
1. In the Find Agent panel of the Agent Management dialog, you can find an existing agent and make changes to it. 

Find Agent Panel

Select the agent that you are searching for.
First Name
Enter the agent’s first name. If you are searching for more than one agent, leave this field empty.
Last Name
Enter the agent’s last name. If you are searching for more than one agent, leave this field empty.
Active Users Only
Select this check box to search only for active agents in CGW.
Click this button to execute the search.

2. CGW displays your search results and provides you with several options:

Agent Search Results

To edit an agent’s profile, click their agent name in the Agent column. This opens the Add/Edit Agent panel where you can make changes to the agent’s profile.
Retire/Activate Agent
Click this toggle button to activate/retire an agent's account in CGW. Retired agents cannot perform CGW actions.
Retire Agent
Click this button to retire the agent’s account in CGW. You would want to use this feature if a user leaves the dealership. This feature deactivates the agent account.